Thursday, June 20, 2013

Nuestro Sala: Antes y Despúes

I'm riding high on the wave of having finally gotten around to sharing before and after shots of our kitchen, so I'm back with the same shebang for our living room. I only have this one before shot (that I didn't think to take until after we'd taped off the room and started sampling color options):

And here are some afters from various angles:

 (You can see that I took these before I added the new art pieces I talked about here - when it comes to taking house pictures, I've learned to strike while the iron is hot clean, and get some shots that do not feature the typical cluttered mess that is our house. So I don't always have the most super up to date photos, seeing as how our house is typically spic-and-span only every so often. Usually this occurs when we have people over - people who we don't know quite well enough to be honest about the mess we usually live in with. That was an unnecessarily long explanation of why these pictures are a little old. Thanks for hanging in there). 

So there you have it. Really all we've done in here is paint, paint, paint and add furniture and art. Someday we'd love to change the configuration of the furniture in here (I'm thinking a larger, L-shaped couch option that leaves the left side of the room as seen in the picture above more open (sometimes walking around that chair gets a little irritating).  But anywhos, that's where we're at for now! 

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