Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Homemade Holiday Banner

I feel like I've been on a bit of a creative streak lately, getting a few lingering craft/house projects finally checked off the never-ending list, and with leftover motivation to write about them, to boot! What is going on?! Anywho, I spent this past weekend putting out our Christmas decorations, and in doing so, had a rare stroke of creative genius (as I'm clearly so prone to) for a super cheap (possibly free depending on materials you may have), super easy holiday (and beyond) decoration....

 Using some Christmas wrapping paper leftover from years past, a collection of pictures/storybook pages/postcards, some twine and clothespins I added some cute and festive decor to a usually blank space in our house. (Excuse the bad picture, the nighttime lighting situation in our house is apparently very camera unfriendly, and I'm too impatient/lazy to wait for better lighting).

Making this sucker was super simple.  I simply strung some of my twine up using push pins on either end, cut some triangles out of some festive wrapping paper, collected my other decorative items and hung them all up with the clothespins! It took me about 10 minutes total, and cost me nothing as we already had everything on hand. 


 In addition to the wrapping paper triangles, I hung a picture of the Kansas City Plaza all decked out in Christmas lights that I took a few years ago...

 ... a couple of pages taken out of a vintage 1950's "The Night Before Christmas" book bought at a thrift store recently for $3...

 ... and a vintage postcard from the 1920's or so, also found at a local thrift store, for around $1-2.

So there's one great example of quick and easy decorating using-what-ya-got. Phil even had the idea of leaving the twine up year round, and swapping out seasonal decorations and pictures throughout the year, and I am on board with that as well.  It's nice to have a little bit of somethin-somethin on what is usually just a big blank hunk of half-wall.  Cheers to Crafty Christmas Creations (and alliteration!!)

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