Friday, February 28, 2014

TIGER BLOOD! March: T-Minus 2 Days

Sunday is the big day, day 1 of "TIGER BLOOD! March." As such, I spent far too much time and far too much money at Whole Foods today stocking up on some essentials and getting ready.

How much money do you think is in those 3 bags? Trust me, you don't want to know. Damn you Whole Foods. 

Here's what I hauled away. Some basic staples like coconut oil, ghee, coconut milk, almond milk, etc., plus some meat options, veggies, fruits, nuts, and then some paleo-friendly bars and sauces. We get an organic veggie and fruit box delivered every week, and already have a freezer full of chicken and salmon so luckily I didn't need to go too nuts in those areas. 

I cleaned out and re-organized the pantry, and found it interesting to see how many fewer "pantry foods" we'll be eating...

The bottom two shelves are our non-paleo foods... Everything else is our paleo stuff (including a whole shelf of just teas). Interesting to just have a visual reminder that we won't be eating stuff that sits on a shelf and comes out of a box. 

So anyway, we're ready for ya, paleo! Just 48 hours of beer, pizza and cake stand between us. (Side note: after allowing myself to indulge these last weeks, I'm really ready to put an end to it. I'm feeling the junky food, and ready for TIGER BLOOD!)

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